Simulationexams.com, leading practice tests provider, released Juniper JN0-103 practice tests, conforming to the latest exam objectives. As many of you might be aware, JN0-102 has retired recently. The objectives of the new exam remain more or less same as that of the previous exam, except that network fundamentals has been removed from the current syllabus. More emphasis has been given to JUNOS and Juniper devices and networking using Juniper devices.
The exam objectives are as given below:
- Junos OS Fundamentals:
- Identifying the concepts, benefits or functionality of the core elements of the Junos OS
- Software architecture, Control and forwarding planes
- Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine
- Transit traffic processing and Exception traffic
2. User Interfaces
- Identifying the concepts, operation or functionality of the Junos user interface, CLI functionality, modes, navigation and help.
- Filtering output
- Active versus candidate configuration
- Reverting to previous configurations
- Modifying, managing, and saving configuration files
- Viewing, comparing, and loading configuration files
- J-Web (core/common functionality only)
3. Configuration Basics
- Identifying the main elements for configuring Junos devices, Factory-default state, Initial configuration.
- User accounts, Login classes, and User authentication methods
- Interface types and properties and Configuration groups
- Additional initial configuration elements, such as NTP, SNMP, and syslog
- Configuration archival, logging and tracing
- Rescue configuration
- Describe how to configure basic components of a Junos device
4. Operational Monitoring and Maintenance
- Identifying methods of monitoring or maintaining Junos devices,
- Show and Monitor commands
- Interface statistics and errors
- Network tools, such as ping, traceroute, telnet, SSH, and so on
- Junos OS installation and upgrades
- Powering on and shutting down Junos devices
- Root password recovery
- Describe monitoring or maintenance procedures for a Junos device
5. Routing Fundamentals-
- Identifying basic routing concepts or functionality for Junos devices
- Traffic forwarding concepts
- Routing tables, Routing versus forwarding tables, Route preference, Routing instances, and Static routing
- Advantages of and use cases for dynamic routing protocols
- Describe how to configure or monitor basic routing elements for a Junos device
6. Routing Policy and Firewall Filters
- Identifying the concepts or functionality of routing policy and firewall filters on Junos devices
- Default routing policies
- Import and export policies
- Routing policy flow
- Effect of policies on routes and routing tables
- Policy structure and terms, Policy match criteria, match types, and actions
- Firewall filter concepts, Filter structure and terms, Filter match criteria and actions, Effect of filters on packets
- Unicast reverse-path-forwarding (RPF)
- Describe how to configure or monitor routing policies and firewall filters on a Junos device
You may download the free demo version of the software by going to JN0-103 JNCIA exam page.
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