IOS Apps

Share offers practice tests for use with iOS (or iPhone).  The following tests are available for use:

CompTIA practice exams for iPhone:

The downloads are available from Apple iTunes store and free version is also available. The free version consists of 60 questions each and the full version consists of 300+ questions. All questions carry flash card explanation and provide both Learn Mode and Exam Mode.  Given below are the Comptia practice tests for iPhone:

Cisco practice exams for iPhone:

Given below are the Cisco practice tests for iPhone. The practice tests are available in both free and paid versions. The free version, as in Comptia tests, include 60 questions with answers and flashcard explanation. The full version consists of 300+ questions.

For more information and downloads, please check out the home page by clicking on the links.

For Android compatible practice tests, refer to our blog article: 

All the above mentioned practice exams are available in android versions.

Note: The mobile version of the practice tests doesn’t support Simlets and Simulations as the screen size required for such questions types is difficult to fit in the smart phone screens. However, regular questions types like MCQs, and drad-n-drop are supported.

Retired exams: