Comptia Releases New Security+ exam…

Comptia® recently released revised Security+® exam, SY0-501. The new version of CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) emphasises on hands-on ability to both identify and mitigate security threats, attacks and vulnerabilities.

CompTIA Security+ is vendor-neutral and widely used by private and public employers and government agencies to validate essential cyber security skills for employees and/or contractors. As per the Comptia website, “On average, a test taker can expect to spend up to one-third of the 90-minute exam completing performance-based items.” So, one can expect a lot of performance based questions in the exam, and it’s almost impossible to pass the exam without having to answer the performance based questions.  As per the official website: “These items include simulations of technology solutions and story-based items that require advanced cognitive thinking on the part of the test taker,”

CompTIA Security+ is ANSI accredited and complies with the ISO/IEC 17024 standard for personnel certification programs. The certification is also approved by the U.S. Department of Defense for Directive 8140/8570.01-M

Comptia has more than two million IT certifications issued and probably stands first in the world.

The practice tests offered by simulation exams .com include Comptia Security+ practice tests. We are in the process of 501 exam practice tests and the same would be available at the earliest.

Disclaimer: is not associated with Comptia® organization. Security+® is a trademark of Comptia®.