New A+ Exams Released by Comptia, named A+ Core1 and A+ Core2


Comptia organization, a pioneer in promoting computer skills among youth in USA and worldwide, released new A+ exams on 15th Jan 2019. The exams will be replacing the current A+ exams, namely A+ Essentials exam (220-901) and A+ Practical exam (220-902). The new exams have been named as A+ Core1 (200-1001) and A+ Core2 (200-1002) and available from Jan 15th 2019.

Important features of new exams:

CompTIA A+ 220-1001 covers mobile devices, networking technology, hardware, virtualization and cloud computing and network troubleshooting.

CompTIA A+ 220-1002 covers installing and configuring operating systems, expanded security, software troubleshooting and operational procedures.

Important features of the exam: These are not much different from its predecessor except for syllabus.

  • Number of questions: Maximum of 90 questions per exam (same as 901/902)
  • Types of questions: Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based (same as 901/902)
  • Duration of the exam: 90 Minutes per exam (same as 901/902)
  • Recommended experience: 9 to 12 months hands-on experience in the lab or field (same as 901/902)
  • Languages offered: English at launch​. German, Japanese, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese and Spanish in 2019  (added simplified chinese!) will be providing the A+ Core1 and A+ Core2 practice tests in due course and the subscribers will be provided with an intimation on the availability of the practice tests by newsletter.

The exam objectives for A+ Core 1 200-1001 are given under:

Sl. No.    Domain           Weightage (in percentage)

1.0  Mobile Devices 14%
2.0 Networking 20%
3.0 Hardware 27%
4.0 Virtualization and Cloud Computing 12%
5.0 Hardware and Network Troubleshooting 27%
Total 100%

As far as the syllabus is concerned, there are quite a few changes in A+ Core1. The major changes are with Mobile Devices, Virtualization and Cloud Computing. You may expect more questions targeted in these areas.

The exam objectives for A+ Core2 (200-1002) are given under:

Sl. No.    Domain           Weightage (in percentage)

1.0 Windows Operating Systems 29%
2.0 Other Operating Systems & Technologies 12%
3.0 Security 22%
4.0 Software Troubleshooting 24%
5.0 Operational Procedures 13%
Total 100%

mobile device synchronization, various methods for securing mobile devices have been covered thoroughly in the syllabus.

Note that older exams, 220-901 and 220-902 are available till July 2019 and candidates who have already in the middle of preparation can take the older exams. If you have just started the preparation or going to start, it is recommended to go for 1000 series of A+ exams. Note that mix and match is not allowed for A+ exams. That means, you can’t take for 900 series exam (say, 200-901) and one 1000 series exam (say, 200-1002) and can’t get certified. Either you have to take both 900 series exams or both 1000 series exams.

We will be adding some practice questions soon! Keep watching!

Good luck!