Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for MCSE Win. 2000 Server : Practice Questions

Exam: 70-215

Domain Controller

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Q6. Paul is asked to upgrade the existing Windows NT4 server network to Windows 2000 Server network. He has 5 NT Servers, of which 2 are BDCs, 1 is a PDC, 250 Windows 2000 Professional computers. He has another new computer that he wants to install as Windows 2000 Domain Controller. What is the required sequence of steps installation of his new PC as Windows 2000 Domain Controller?

A. Install Windows 2000 Server using CD. Configure the computer as Domain Controller.

B. Install Windows NT4 make it a BDC (Backup Domain Controller). Then, promote the computer as PDC. Now, upgrade to Windows 2000 Server and configure the computer as Domain Controller.

C. Do over the network installation for Windows 2000 Server and configure as Domain Controller.

D. Install Windows NT4 as member server. Now, upgrade to Windows 2000 Server and configure the computer as Domain Controller.

Correct Answer: B


Remember that, to upgrade a Windows NT Server network with a PDC to Windows 2000 Server network, the options are:
1. Upgrade the PDC to Windows 2000 Server Domain Controller. Or,
2. Install Windows NT4 on a fresh computer, make it BDC, and then promote as PDC. Now you can upgrade to Windows 2000 Server Domain Controller.
Only Windows NT Server acting as PDC can be upgraded to a Domain Controller.

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