Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for CCNP-BSCI

Retired! Go Here for BSCI 642-801 offers Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for CCNP-BSCI which replaces 640-603 Routing exam. BSCI (Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks) exam forms part of CCNP certification. Other exams that count toward CCNP are: 640-604 Switching, 640-605 Remote Access, and 640-606 Support exams. Note that the exams 640-901, 640-604, and 640-605 count towards CCDP certification as well. BSCI exam evaluates one's ability in designing and implementing complex routed WANs including EIGRP, OSPF, BGP, and IS-IS.

View Sample Questions :General  BGP  OSPF  IS-IS

CCNP - Building Scalable Cisco Internetwork (BSCI) Details*:

Exam # 640-901, BSCI (Course: Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks)
Number of question 55-65 questions
Time allowed 75 minutes
Passing score 690**
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Associated Certifications CCNP, CCDP, CCIP
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View practice questions Practice Questions  General  BGP  OSPF  IS-IS
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* It is recommended that you verify with the official Web site for current and exact information.

** The passing score is not exactly known, as the exam got revised recently.

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