Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for CCNA:Practice Questions

OSPF commands

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Q15. Consider the OSPF command given on an ASBR router:
default-information originate always
What is the significance of the keyword “always” in the above command? (Choose 2 best answers).

A. It must only be used when there is a default route present in the ASBR routing table.

B. It must only be used when there is no default route present in the ASBR routing table.

C. It can be used irrespective of whether a default route is present in the ASBR routing table.

D. It recommended to use the keyword “always” particularly when the default route is flapping.

Correct Answer: C, D


A default route can be advertised into OSPF domain by an ASBR router in one of two ways:
By using "default-information originate" command: This command can be used when there is a default route ( already existing. This command will advertise a default route into the OSPF domain.
By using "default-information originate always" command: This command can be used when there is a default route ( is present or not. This command is particularly useful when the default route is not consistent. An inconsistent default route may result in flipping of the route advertised into the OSPF domain, resulting in instability of the OSPF domain routing information. Therefore, it is recommended to use "always" keyword.

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