Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for CCNP Route (OSPF Practice Questions)

Exam Code 300-101

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Q6. Match the following with regard to OSPF operation:
A. DDP      1. A router that resides within an area.
B. Hello Packet      2. This includes summary information about link-state entries
C. Internal router      3. This packet includes information that enables routers to establish themselves as neighbors.

A. A->3; B->2; C->1

B. A->2; B->3; C->1

C. A->1; B->2; C->3

D. A->3; B->1; C->2

Correct Answer: B


In an OSPF environment,
1. A DDP (Data Description Packet) is used during the exchange protocol and includes summary information about link-state entries.
2. A hello packet is used during the hello process and includes information that enables routers to establish neighbor relationship.
3. An internal router is a router that resides within an area.

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