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MCSE Training Kit: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server (Exam 70-215) (Pro Certification)

MCSE™ Training Kit--Premium Edition: Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 2000 Server (Exam 70-215) by Microsoft Corporation

Editorial Reviews

Book Description

For IT professionals studying for core MCSE Exam 70-215, this Premium Edition MCSE TRAINING KIT with 4 companion CDs offers the ultimate, from-the-source preparation! This all-in-one package includes in-depth self-paced training in both book and electronic formats, along with a CD-based assessment tool and other valuable resources. The heart of the kit is the official Microsoft study guide for Exam 70-215, Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, an integrated system of self-paced lessons and skill-building practice exercises. For students who want to learn by doing, MCSE eLearning on CD-ROM delivers in-depth exam preparation entirely through a state-of-the-art, simulated Windows 2000 environment. The Readiness Review electronic assessment tool plus companion text provides multiple-use, no-risk test-taking practice. And the kit's Premium Edition CD features the Microsoft Encyclopedia of Networking and the Microsoft Resource Kits for Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Server in e-book form; sample reference materials from Microsoft TechNet; plus a 120-day evaluation version of the Windows 2000 Server operating system-for training anytime, anywhere!

Book Info

Text and CD-ROM kit, in display case, including two softcover texts and one CD-ROM package om separate display case. For MCSE certification in Windows 2000 Server, Exam 70-215. The CD-ROM package includes a trial of Microsoft TechNet and a 120 day trial of Windows 2000 Server. System requirements not listed.

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