Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for Security+ : Practice Questions

Intrusion detection and security baselines

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Q4. Sam has written a script to analyze the Web server logs for any un-authorized or suspicious activity. This is an example of which of the following?

A. Operating system hardening

B. Network hardening

C. Application hardening

D. Honeypot

Correct Answer: C


There are three basic ways of hardening.

1. Operating system hardening: Here the operating system is hardened (making tough to intrude). Few points that would help in hardening an operating system:

a. Changing default administrator account names, and passwords

b. Using file access and user access permissions

c. Applying any OS hot fixes as and when they are available

2. Network hardening: This involve the following

a. Restricting access to network shares

b. Disabling/removing protocols and services that are not required.

c. Applying Firewalls such as CheckPoint FireWall or NAT (Network Address Translation)

d. Restricting wireless access where it may lead to vulnerability

3. Application Hardening: Applications such as DNS servers, Web server, Mail servers, File and print servers can be hardened by the following means:

a. Applying latest patches and hotfixes

b. Installing anti-virus software where applicable, such as mail server

c. Changing the default user names and passwords that the applications use.

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