Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for CCSA NG 156-210 : Sample Questions

FWZ, INSPECT, and Kernel

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Q7. Match the following:
1. FWZ A. The central module of an operating system
2. INSPECT B. A Check Point proprietary key management scheme
3. Kernel C. Check Point's high-level scripting language

A. 1 -> B; 2 -> A; 3 -> C

B. 1 -> A; 2 -> C; 3 -> B

C. 1 -> B; 2 -> C; 3 -> A

D. 1 -> C; 2 -> B; 3 -> A

Correct Answer: C


FWZ: A Check Point proprietary key management scheme.
INSPECT: Check Point's high-level scripting language used for developing / implementing security policy rules.
Kernel: This is the central module of an operating system. It is responsible for allocation of computer resources to various applications running on top of it.

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