Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for CCNP|CCDP Remote Access (642-821) : practice questions

Dialer Hold-Queue Command

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Q7. The following command was issued while configuring a dialer interface. What does the command do?
Router(config-if)# dialer hold-queue 10

A. The command allows 10 packets before dropping excessive incoming traffic.

B. The command assigns 10 buffers to hold the excess traffic

C. The command holds the interesting outgoing traffic in a queue up to 10 seconds.

D. The command holds unto 10 packets of the interesting outgoing traffic in a queue, while the dialing takes place.

Correct Answer: D


Usually, when dialing is in progress the outgoing packets are dropped, since the connection is not yet made. To hold the interesting traffic to be held in a queue, to be sent out as soon as the connection is made use the command
Router(config-if)# dialer hold-queue <number>, where number is number of packets, range 0-100.
holds unto 100 packets of the interesting outgoing traffic in a queue, while the dialing takes place.

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