Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for CCNP|CCDP Remote Access (642-821) : practice questions

Line numbers (CON, TTY, and AUX)

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Q2. What is the line number ( Interface number) assigned to Console port on a Cisco router?

A. Line 1

B. Line 0

C. Line 5

D. Line n + 1, where n is the number of TTY async lines.

Correct Answer: A


Cisco devices have the line numbers assigned in the following manner:
Console line (CON): Assigned line number 0
Asynchronous lines (TTY): Assigned line number n, where n represents the first physical line after the Console line. For example, TTY line 4 is assigned line number 4.
Auxiliary line (AUX): The auxiliary line is assigned the last TTY (async) line + 1. For example, if there can be n TTY lines, the Auxiliary line is assigned n+1. Note that the TTY lines are as recognized by Cisco IOS and not necessarily be present physically.

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