Sim-Ex™ Practice Exams for MCSE Win. 2000 Professional : Practice Questions

OS Upgradation

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Q3. You intend to upgrade your Windows 3.1 to Windows 2000 Professional. Which Operating systems can be upgraded to Windows 2000 Professional?[Choose 3].

A. Windows 95/ 98

B. Windows NT 3.51

C. Windows NT 4.0 Work station

D. Windows 3.1

Correct Answer: A,B,C


You can upgrade Windows 95/98, Windows NT 3.51, Windows NT 4.0 WS can be upgraded to Windows 2000 Professional. You can't upgrade Windows 3.1 and Windows for workgroups to Windows 2000 Professional. If you need to install 2000 Prof. On Windows 3.x, you need to upgrade first to Windows 95/98 or NT and then upgrade to 2000 Prof. It is easy to do a clean install of Windows 2000 on Windows 3.x machines.

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